# Operators

Operators allow users to perform different mathematical operations on operands(an object that is being manipulated). Example: "2+3", the "2" and "3" are the operands, while the "+" symbol is the operator.

# Solidity supported operators:

Arithmetic Operators Assignment operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Bitwise Operators

# Arithmetic Operators

  • for addition.

– for subtraction.

  • for multiplication.

/ for division.

% for modulo.

# Example of Arithmetic Operators

# Assignment Operators

Assignments operators in solidity are: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

name = name1 would assign the value of variable num1 to the variable.

name2+=name1 is equal to num2 = name2+name1

name2-=name1 is equal to name2 = name2-name1

name2*=name1 is equal to name2 = name2*name1

name2/=name1 is equal to name2 = name2/name1

name2%=name1 is equal to name2 = name2%name1

# Example of Assignment Operators

# Auto-increment and Auto-decrement Operators

++ and — num++ is equivalent to num=num+1;

num–- is equivalent to num=num-1;

Example of Auto-increment and Auto-decrement Operators

contract contact{
 int num1=100;

 function inc() public returns(int){
        return  num1 +=1;

 function incre() public returns(int){
        return  num1 -=1;


# Logical Operators

Logical operators in solidity are: &&, ||, !

Example of Logical Operators

contract contact{

      bool b1 = true;
      bool b2 = false;

      function ifstatement() public view returns (string memory){

          if (b1&&b2 == true)  {

          return "No";  // will return true if both b1 and b2 are true; else, it would return false.

  if (!b1&&b2 == true)  {

          return "!";  // would return the opposite of b1, which means it would be true if b1 is false, and it would return false if b1 is true.
 if (b1||b2 == true)  {

          return "Yes one has true"; // will return false if both b1 and b2 are false; else, it would return true.


# Comparison(Relational) operators

We have six relational operators in Solidity: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

== This will return true if both the left side and right side are equal

!= This will return true if the left side is not equal to the right side of the operator.

This will return true if the left side is greater than the right.

< This will return true if the left side is less than the right side.

= This will return true if the left side is greater than or equal to the right side.

<= This will return true if the left side is less than or equal to the right side.

# Example of Relational operators

Note: This example is using the if-else statement.

contract Helloworld{

      function ifstatement(uint x) public pure returns (string memory){
          if (x==2)  {

          return "num1 and num2 are equal";

      if(x < 2){
         return "num1 is less than num2";

      if( x >= 2 ){
	    return "num1 is greater than or equal to num2");

       if(x > 2){
         return "num1 is greaterthan than num2";

       if( x <= 2){
	     return "num1 is less than or equal to num2";

      if( x != 2 ){
	 return "num1 and num2 are not equal";

     function ifelsestatement(uint x) public pure returns (string memory){
          if (x==2)  {

          return "num1 and num2 are equal";

      else {
         return "num1 and num2 are not equal";
Last Updated: 12/24/2021, 7:28:19 PM